Halloween is a fun holiday but sometimes it’s stressful and scary for our pets. Thankfully, there are some easy steps to take that can save your pets life and make it more enjoyable for you and your family.
Here’s what you need to do:
Be Sure Pets are Wearing ID & Microchipped
As simple as this sounds, pet owners forget this life-saving tip. Your pet can be reunited almost immediately if it is wearing a collar with ID tags. If the collar happens to come off, a microchip is a second line of defense. Just be certain it is registered and has up-to-date contact information. If your pet isn’t chipped yet, there is still time to have it done.
2. Keep Pet Costumes Safe & Comfortable
Everyone one loves a pet in a costume….except your pet! Be sure the costume isn’t restricting their movement, making it hard to breath, see or interfering with their hearing. A cute pet costume shouldn’t cause your pet stress.
3. Keep Candy Out of Reach of Your Pets
Chocolates and other candies are toxic to dogs. Xylitol, a sweetener in gum and sugar-free candies can be deadly or cause severe liver damage to cats and dogs. Be sure to keep all candy away from pets – even wrappers can choke them.
4. Keep Pets Away From the Front Door
Pet should have a safe, quiet place to spend the evening on Halloween. With the door opening and closing, it becomes an easy way for them to escape and get lost. Prepare a cozy spot with treats, soft music or white noise to drown out the sounds of trick-or-treaters. Don’t’ forget their collars & tags. Do not leave pets outside on Halloween. Costumes are scary and gates can come open. Keep them safe inside.
5. Beware of Dangerous Decorations
Candles and jack-o-lanterns pose a fire hazard if knocked over. String lights can become wrapped around pets, plastic accessories like spiders and fake eyeballs may look like toys but can be choking hazards.
Remember… a lost pet can’t tell anyone where it lives, so think ahead, be prepared and keep your pets safe.
